
Thursday, April 26, 2007

If you need some motivation

I've finally gotten back all my results for this semester. My results are as follows:
Marketing Information Systems - A+
Analysis of Equity Instruments - A+
Corporate Reporting and Analysis of Financial Statements - A-
French - A-
Ethics and Social Responsibility - B+

Besides, this is my best semester ever, with an all-time high GPA of 3.86. I managed to achieve all these in spite of what happened throughout the semester. At the beginning of the semester, I was busy with housemoving. In a way, we were forced to move out of our previous rented place. So for the 1st month of the semester, besides school, I was extremely worn out by housemoving, on top of having to juggle with the ongoing school projects.

Shortly after, I was admitted into hospital because of an abscess growing on my tummy. I had to get it removed at the hospital. 3 days after I was discharged from hospital, I was re-admitted into hospital because of active bleeding of my wound from the operation. Shortly after Chinese New Year, I was down with food poisoning for 3 days. In the final weeks of the semester, I was down with flu which persisted for almost 2 weeks.

In spite of the odds being stacked against me, I keep telling myself to stay focused and to tell myself that I can do it. I keep telling myself how badly I wanted to graduate with Cum Laude. And yes, I finally did it!

I'm saying all these not to boast about my achievements, but rather, to illustrate a point: Have a goal, believe that you can achieve it, and everything else will fall in place. Stay positive and show gratitude for the little things in your life and good things will naturally be attracted into your life. I couldn't have achieved all these if I had negative along the way. Lastly, I hope my little story here will inspire whoever read this to strive to do better in future =)


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