
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Fuck Animal Ill-treaters in our 1st world country

It is pretty shocking to find so many animal haters and animal ill-treaters in a first-world country like Singapore. Since the cat-hater incident yesterday, I've heard another story about fuckers who ill-treat dogs.

According to my friend, Jois, there is this evil family who unfortunately stays in Tampines Block 888 Level "#unlucky number", supposedly a corner unit. So, what did they do?

Look at the photos.. It might be a bit disturbing, but nothing is more disturbing than the fact that this is really happening in our first-world country! This is White (Fake name). He was a handsome dog, a cute little puppy that was borned into the world like many others. Unfortunately, he needs to spend years of his life with this family. This family that lives in the place mentioned earlier never let White into the house. They tied him to a pole in the corridor.. AND not the corridor in front of their house, but faraway from where they stayed. White was only given a piece of newspaper, a few pellets of dried food and hell-knows if any water.. This is how he lived.. Rain and shine!

Imagine what the ugly family said when asked for reason: “We don't allow dirty pets into our house”... What the fuck?!

Ask yourself, does White deserve that? Does he have a choice? What else can he do?

To everyone out there, pets and other kept animals are never dirty on their own. If they are dirty, it will be their owners who are actually the dirty ones! Do not ever complain about your pets being smelly. If you are a responsible owner, you pets will be kept clean! If they stinks, it will only reflect badly on yourself, you dirty lil pig... Do not attempt to comfort yourself and cover up your own lazy and irresponsible acts by pushing all blames to the pets...

Feel free to visit the place where the hideous family lives, you can see even though how pretty their house might be furnished, but yet, they are doing something so nonsensical. If you take a visit today, you won’t find White there by the time you visit. He will be at a foster home waiting to be re-homed and hopefully have a good home in the future, taking his time to heal his wounds, both physically and emotionally.


Blogger ashburn said...

omg so poor thing la.. I feel like #@$$%^!#~ those assholes

11:58 PM


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